EmperorFish/Eari - They are reef dwellers, ranging from shallow coral reefs and seagrass beds to rocky reefs more than 200 meters deep. Grow upto 100cm, they look like snapper, Deep bodied and not as elongated Most species inhabit hard bottom of sandstone and coral, or coral and sandstone. Live in large schools. They feed opn mollusks, bivalves or oysters. It has large head. Single continuous dorsal fin with 10 spines and 9-10 branched soft rays pectoral fins moderately long and pointed, caudal fin emarginate to forked Laterial lines continuous with simple tubes.
Tasted Best
Meat is low in calories and low in fat. It cooks up very firm, almost chewy, and is difficult to flake apart on the plate, it has mild but very distinctive flavor. Medium flavoured, low oil, medium texture white meat. Good for baking, steaming, deep frying, grilling & barbecuing.